Brze runde

SDS ili brze runde su modificirana verzija originalne igre. One se igraju puno većom brzinom (npr. 120 puta), i traju između par sati i par tjedana.

[1] ... [602] >604< [606] ... [628]

#263 Round 252 CAT

Početak: ožu 18,2009 03:00
Završetak: ožu 18,2009 08:00
Opis: Paladin, no archers, coins, 10 techs per unit, tribe limit 3, no morale, no account sitting, no sleep mode.
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Catapult your opponents village. The player with the highest point village wins.No nobling - one village per player.
Brzina: 350
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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#262 Round 251

Početak: ožu 17,2009 02:00
Završetak: ožu 18,2009 02:00
Opis: 5 Person Tribe limit, Can't leave tribes, One Packet Nobles, No Paladin, No Archers, Barbarians Grow.

STW Rules and FAQ
STW Ladder
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 400
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Da
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Da
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#261 Round 250 BASH

Početak: ožu 16,2009 19:00
Završetak: ožu 17,2009 01:00
Opis: Paladin, no archers, coins, 1 tech per unit, tribe limit 3, growing bonus villages, tribe lock, no outside support, cannot attack own tribe. No morale, no account sitting, no sleep mode
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Bash round. Opponents defeated as attacker wins the round. Per farm level only 150 defensive units are supported - for 4500 total at level 30 farm. More than that fights with reduced efficiency.
Brzina: 350
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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#260 Round 249 CAT

Početak: ožu 16,2009 00:30
Završetak: ožu 16,2009 07:00
Opis: Paladin, no archers, coins, 10 techs per unit, tribe limit 3, no morale, no account sitting, no sleep mode.
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Catapult your opponents village. The player with the highest point village wins.No nobling - one village per player.
Brzina: 350
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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#259 Round 248 BASH

Početak: ožu 15,2009 18:00
Završetak: ožu 15,2009 23:30
Opis: Paladin, no archers, coins, 1 tech per unit, tribe limit 3, growing bonus villages, tribe lock, no outside support, cannot attack own tribe. No morale, no account sitting, no sleep mode
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Bash round. Opponents defeated as attacker wins the round. Per farm level only 150 defensive units are supported - for 4500 total at level 30 farm. More than that fights with reduced efficiency.
Brzina: 350
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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#258 Round 247

Početak: ožu 14,2009 01:00
Završetak: ožu 15,2009 17:00
Opis: Pally, Simplified Research, Gold Coins, 10 Peron Tribes, Bonus Villages.
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 250
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Da
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Da
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#257 Round 246

Početak: ožu 13,2009 07:00
Završetak: ožu 13,2009 23:30
Opis: Constant Noble Prices, No Archers, No Pally, No Leaving Tribes, 5 member tribe limit, Bonus Villages.
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Normal Round, Most Points Wins.
Brzina: 400
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Da
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Da
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#256 Round 245 CAT

Početak: ožu 13,2009 01:00
Završetak: ožu 13,2009 06:00
Opis: Paladin, no archers, coins, 10 techs per unit, tribe limit 3, no morale, no account sitting, no sleep mode.
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Catapult your opponents village. The player with the highest point village wins.No nobling - one village per player.
Brzina: 350
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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#255 Round 244

Početak: ožu 12,2009 15:00
Završetak: ožu 12,2009 23:58
Opis: No Archers, No Pally, Packets, 15 Tech System, 5 Person Tribes, Tribes lock at 16:00 Server time, can not attack own Tribe, Growing Bonus Villages, No Sleep mode.
STW Rules and FAQ
STW Ladder
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 300
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Ne
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» Poraženi protivnici plemena

#254 Round 243 BASH

Početak: ožu 12,2009 09:00
Završetak: ožu 12,2009 14:00
Opis: Paladin, no archers, coins, 1 tech per unit, tribe limit 3, growing bonus villages, tribe lock, no outside support, cannot attack own tribe. No morale, no account sitting, no sleep mode
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Bash round. Opponents defeated as attacker wins the round. Per farm level only 150 defensive units are supported - for 4500 total at level 30 farm. More than that fights with reduced efficiency.
Brzina: 350
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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