Brze runde

SDS ili brze runde su modificirana verzija originalne igre. One se igraju puno većom brzinom (npr. 120 puta), i traju između par sati i par tjedana.

[1] ... [565] >567< [569] ... [600]

#376 6 hours 400

Početak: srp 27,2009 01:00
Završetak: srp 27,2009 07:00
  • Unlimited techs (10 levels per unit)
  • Old units, no pally
  • Advanced bonus villages and barbs grow to 2000 points
  • Packet academies
  • 7-member tribe limit
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 400
Brzina jedinica: .8
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Ne
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#373 36 Hours Solo

Početak: srp 25,2009 12:00
Završetak: srp 27,2009 00:00
Opis: All players start with increased building levels (HQ 10, Barracks 10, Stable 5, Workshop 1, Smithy 10, Rally Point 1, Market 1, Timber 15, Clay 15, Iron 15, Farm 12, Warehouse 10, Hiding Place 1, Wall 10)
  • Simple tech
  • Archers on
  • No paladin
  • 10-minute beginner protection
  • Barbs grow to 2000 points
  • Constant nobleman prices
  • Packet academy
  • 1-member tribe limit
  • No outside support
  • Advanced bonus villages
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Player with highest points at the end of the round
Brzina: 250
Brzina jedinica: .5
Noćni modus: Da
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Da
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#375 10-hour Classic

Početak: srp 25,2009 01:00
Završetak: srp 25,2009 11:00
  • No morale
  • No Pally
  • 15-tech smithy
  • Packet academies
  • Archers disabled
  • Scouts can see units outside village if researched
  • No fake limit
  • Barbs grow to 3000 points. No bonus villages.
  • 5-member tribe limit
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Tribe with highest points
Brzina: 300
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Ne
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#374 6 Hour Pally Bash

Početak: srp 24,2009 18:00
Završetak: srp 25,2009 00:00
Opis: All players start 26 points.
  • Simple tech
  • Archers off
  • Paladin + New Items
  • 10-minute beginner protection
  • Barbs grow to 3000 points
  • Constant nobleman prices
  • Packet academy
  • 1-member tribe limit
  • No outside support
  • Standard bonus villages
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Bash round. Opponents defeated as attacker wins the round. Per farm level only 150 defensive units are supported - for 4500 total at level 30 farm. More than that fights with reduced efficiency.
Brzina: 400
Brzina jedinica: .5
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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#371 Premium Round

Početak: srp 17,2009 17:00
Završetak: srp 24,2009 17:00
Opis: The Top Tribe Tribe receives 3 Premium Points per player. The Top player receives 10 Premium Points! All players in the top tribe must have at least 5 villages & 40k points at the end of the round to receive the prize.
  • Coins
  • Simplified Research
  • 10 Person Tribe Limit
  • No Church
  • Morale is active
  • You can't leave your tribe
  • You can't support outside your tribe
  • You cant attack your tribe mates
  • Pally, No Weapon
  • No Archers
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 100
Brzina jedinica: .7
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Da
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#362 5 hours of 400

Početak: srp 17,2009 04:00
Završetak: srp 17,2009 09:00
  • Coins
  • No Paladin
  • No Archers
  • No Morale
  • 20 member tribes
  • Cant leave tribes
  • Cant attack tribe mates
  • Cant support outside your tribe
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 400
Brzina jedinica: .7
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Ne
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#367 20-40 Nobles

Početak: srp 16,2009 05:00
Završetak: srp 17,2009 03:00

All villages start out with a "higher build" of 15 Hq 15 Barracks, 10 stable, 2 workshop, 15 smith, 1 rally, 5 market, 23 wood, 23 clay, 23 iron, 22 farm, 15 storage, 1 hide, & 15 wall.

Nobles can do anywhere from 20 to 40 loyalty damage per hit.
  • Gold Coins
  • Simplified Research
  • No Pally
  • No Church
  • Barbs & Bonus villages grow
  • 5 Person Tribes
  • You can support, attack, and join whatever tribe you wish
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 200
Brzina jedinica: .6
Noćni modus: Da
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Da
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#366 10 hour Round

Početak: srp 15,2009 18:00
Završetak: srp 16,2009 04:00
Opis: 1 Packet Nobles, Pally with weapon, Fake Limit, No Church, Simplified Research, 7 Person Tribes, You may leave your tribe, you may support anyone you like, you can attack whoever you want.
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 300
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Ne
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#365 Farm Round

Početak: srp 13,2009 20:00
Završetak: srp 15,2009 15:00
Opis: Farm Limit Rule: for every farm level only 2k farm space is "supported", at level 30 farm that is 60k total farm space. Stacking more then 60k worth of farm space in a village makes everything over 60,000 fight at less efficiency.
  • Farm Rule in effect
  • Coins
  • Simplifed Research
  • Pally, no Weapon
  • Barbs grow to 5,000 points
  • You may not leave your tribe
  • You may not attack your tribemates
  • You may not support outside your tribe
  • Tribe Limit: 20 Players
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu
Brzina: 250
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Da
Čuvanje računa: Da
Moral: Da
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#364 Bash Round

Početak: srp 13,2009 14:00
Završetak: srp 13,2009 19:00
Opis: No Paladin, no archers, coins, 1 tech per unit, tribe limit 3, growing bonus villages, tribe lock, no outside support, cannot attack own tribe. No morale, no account sitting, no sleep mode
Maksimalni broj igrača: 100
Uvjeti za pobjedu Bash round. Opponents defeated as attacker wins the round. Per farm level only 150 defensive units are supported - for 4500 total at level 30 farm. More than that fights with reduced efficiency.
Brzina: 350
Brzina jedinica: .4
Noćni modus: Ne
Čuvanje računa: Ne
Moral: Ne
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