World 59 archive

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Rascal the Cat
eternal love

Top tribe

Members: Rascal the Cat, killardan, Kinky n Tough, dmcd1980, TheDaiSan, Texfull, noob on fire, Zeta35, old timer 51, The.Tool, xanath, AxlTheCat, Piqnicata, GearHound, The.Robot, me@suede, JonnyFlame, ads121, Ninja747, Geordie C, GOLIONS, breakerboijt, Bad1Brad, sashimisui, Batzz7, rasher3, tooter365, Heero, HAKABS, midgetman01111, trueblue1, Gaelwyn, kouki7, rabbit53, LSBM3, napoleon2, Eternal Lord, appleburger87, hodgy77, the kilted saints, wildgrass, Caeru Velaxis, Wolfmzr, threemars, drod222, pownedu, joyknia, MLPBlue, BlackRoseShard, fristknight, Dirty Dennis, blue eyed sandwalker, eaglesfan56, Lesss is More, Weapon X, Maths Legend, Julius-Caesar, GURU2010, chicko59, Alexisdead, Fenrir, BLAZ-EH, giampierolarosa, harypot, lormaangol, LordBarick, *GoldStar*, societe, hibob224, Momike08


Owned 1000 villages first

on 14.01.2013 at 02:56

Owned 500 villages first

on 29.05.2012 at 17:18

Owned 250 villages first

on 17.03.2012 at 22:03

Owned 100 villages first

on 18.01.2012 at 19:40

Owned 2 villages first

on 29.10.2011 at 09:40

Score champion

Reached 10.000.000 points first

on 14.02.2013 at 03:28

Reached 5.000.000 points first

on 05.06.2012 at 04:48

Reached 1.000.000 points first

on 26.01.2012 at 13:37

Reached 10.000 points first
Oriental Raisin
on 08.11.2011 at 13:07

Field Master

Defeated 100.000.000 units first

on 03.09.2012 at 06:23

Defeated 25.000.000 units first

on 04.05.2012 at 21:24

Defeated 5.000.000 units first

on 29.01.2012 at 02:39

Defeated 10.000 units first

on 25.10.2011 at 22:38